Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Urei 1178

The Model 1178 is a two channel version of the very successful 1176LN Peak Limiter used in many recording studios, broadcast stations, sound reinforcement installations, etc. The Dual Peak Limiter was designed for those applications where two channels of program material are processed, and the balance of these audio channels must be maintained. The two limiters inside the Model 1178 are matched to assure the high degree of tracking necessary for critical stereo applications.

Single adjustments of attack and release time affect both channels simultaneously, while the input and output level controls are adjusted independently. In the stereo mode, a front panel switch allows the two limiters gain reduction amplifiers to be linked together such that the audio signal with the larger peak-to-peak amplitude causes the same amount of gain reduction in both channels. On the other hand, when switched to single mode operation, the two limiters process the signals independently. This provides the user with exceptional flexibility in operation.

The Model 1178 was designed to have performance characteristics similar to the single channel 1176LN. Limiting is accomplished by utilizing FET´s as voltage variable resistors. Unique circuitry permits severe limiting without added distortion and the compression ratio may be optimized for various program materials. The gain structure throughout the Model 1178 maintains an excellent signal-to-noise ratio at normally used control setting.

Dual, backlighted front panel meters may be switched to read either the amount of gain reduction, or the output signal level referenced to +4 dBm or +8 dBm. Also switch selectable are the meter reading characteristics: either indicating average signal (VU ballistics) or peak.
